So you can read more about Shirzad Omar Mahmoud Iranian agent in Kurdistan with some of
Shirzad Omar Mahmoud and some of them follow Qassem Soleimani words and Qassem Soleimani want to know how many Jews live in Kurdistan because so Sherzad Omar Mahmoud has been assigned to investigate the Jews and then expose Jews to the Iranian intelligence to Iran able to do anything against the Jews in the future,,Shirzad Omar Mahmoud to list the Kurdish Jews in Kurdistan then submit the list to Qassem Soleimani of the Iranian terrorist organization's leaders.
I have good information about Shirzad Omar Mahmoud to say one thing, he's a great criminal person and he is a great criminal person he is no Jewish roots, he has Muslim roots, his last name is not mamsani he found the name he is called in reality Shirzad Omar Mahmoud his Mom is a relative of Barzan and his father's family with hame a family living near hawler his grandfather and his uncle and his uncle worked in an Islamic radical, then his father became PDK member in 1963 after Mustafa Barazani moved to Iran and stopped fighting against the Iraqi regime for Kurdish rights Shirzad family lived in Iran in Karaj as a refugee until 1992, when the date of his family went back to Kurdistan, he had good relations with the Iranian intelligence vavak because his father worked as a temporary Qyadh called qayadh mwaghat cooperating with Iranian military and Sepah Pasdaran against Iranian Kurdish movement, from 1979 until 1993 who lived in Iran Shirzad Omar has been in school in Iran in Karaj, he can be good Persian.
Shirzad Omar mahmoud sent as a spy to the Kurdish movement PKK in 1994 when he tried to rape a female guerrilla when they arrested him and he lost his right hand one of his hands in the meantime.
He is a member of the PDK safety while working with Iranian intelligence and Shirzad Omar Mahmoud has special salary from Iranian terror organization Sepah Quds, because he is a member of this terrorist organization by some to living in Kurdistan.
Shirzad Omar Mahmoud in 2010 contacted Daod baghstani because he is a member of the PDK Barzani's party, and cooperated with the Israelis Kurdish weekly newspaper until 2012, the year Shirzad Omar Mahmoud contacted again Iranian consultant in Hawler and each day provided the information of the Israelis kurds since 08:06 .212 Shirzad Omar Mahmoud diary mohammad sarhang Mohammad Ramzan and Shirko Osman Abdullah with the PUK and PDK security services handed Mawlud afand to Iranian intelligence, the same year Shirzad Omar Mahmoud went with some of the Iranian intelligence to Bulgaria and notified the and was looking for Israeli tourists and planned and then the Iranian regime with the help of a few terrorists made a terrorist attack in Bulgaria in 2012
Warning Shirzad Omar Mahmoud is a large criminal.
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